IoT Lighting for Offices

IoT Lighting for Offices

Connected Offices through VLC

Connected lighting is part of the Internet of Things (IoT) trend. By building on the digital nature of LED technology, connected lighting brings illumination and IT together. With the help of PoE technology not only power and data can be delivered for the luminaire, over a standard Ethernet cable but it also allows the lighting system to be merged with the IT system. 

In addition to illuminating office spaces with high quality and energy efficient LED lighting, connected lighting with POE can inform owners of maintenance requests, occupancy trends, temperature control, and more creating offices that are more efficient, sustainable, and responsive.

Customer benefits

Connected Lighting Office Luminaires Daylight harvesting
  • Mobile control
  • Personalization
  • Comfort
  • Safety
  • Productivity
  • Efficiency
  • Enhanced experience
  • Seamless IT integration
  • Optimized operating expenses
  • Deep energy savings
  • Ease of installation
Connected Lighting Graphic Icons

How it works

  • In a connected lighting system, every luminaire is directly connected to and uniquely identified within a building's IT network, allowing system managers to monitor, manage, and maintain individual light points via lighting management software. 
  • With integrated sensors, connected luminaires become points of intelligence that share data on occupancy, activity patterns, and changes in temperature, humidity, and daylight levels.
  • With wireless communications, connected luminaires can deliver location-based services and in-context information to people in illuminated spaces via mobile devices and apps. 

4 ways connected lighting uses data to deliver value beyond illumination

Connected software: Data for real-time monitoring and historical reporting

With real time occupancy data and trends over time, facility managers can schedule for and entire floor shutdown during off-peak times or reschedule any maintenance activities if there is a last minute change in space occupancy.

Connected luminaires: Data for operational insight

Lighting levels, heating, cooling and cleaning can be reduced in low-occupancy areas saving time, money and energy. Connected lighting thus supports businesses who wish to achieve the highest green building certification ratings and maximum energy savings.

Connected Spaces: Data for personalized experience

Lighting in offices has a profound effect on workers wellbeing and vitality, influencing daily productivity. Connected lighting offers individual, personalized control of environments, creating a much more pleasant and comfortable workplace.

Connected landscape: Data for the new digital ecology

Connected lighting systems can integrate with other systems in a building or city, creating new synergies and efficiencies, and making lighting an integral part of the new digital ecology in the internet of Things. This is called the system of systems.

Case Studies

The Edge

At The Edge, a state-of-the-art Philips connected lighting system helps create a more comfortable, productive, and sustainable environment.

The Future of Offices, Toronto

To showcase how Philips lighting and Cisco can work together to unlock the benefits of the IoT in offices, Cisco has installed a state-of-the-art Philips connected lighting system at its Canadian headquarters in Toronto.