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    Beginner’s guide to
    home lighting


    Enhance your space and home with
    these beginner lighting hacks.

    Lighting is not just a functional aspect of your home; it's a design element that can transform the look and feel of your living spaces.


    Akshi Singh from Design Sense talks about how choosing the right lighting for every room makes a significant difference in how you utilize your living space. Properly and strategically selected lighting can enhance the functionality, aesthetics and mood of each room ensuring that your home is not only well lit but also inviting. This beginners guide will help you understand the basics of lighting for your spaces.

    Understand the type of lighting


    Understanding the various types of lighting is an important step for creating a well-lit home. First, there is ambient lighting which bathes the entire room in a gentle, mood setting glow. Then comes the task lighting for providing focused brightness for activities like reading, cooking, and working. Lastly, accent lighting emphasizes particular objects or artworks within a room.

    Choose the right bulb
    Understand the type of lighting

    Choose the right bulb


    Selecting the right bulb is pivotal for your home’s lighting. You should always consider factors like color temperature, energy efficiency, bulb lifespan, dimmability etc when making your choice. In today’s lighting scenario, LED bulbs have emerged as a standout choice for the homeowners. They offer energy efficiency, boasting a long-life span, and come in a variety of color temperatures to align perfectly with your preferences.

    Understand the type of lighting

    Create a balanced and visually appealing lighting design


    To create a balanced and visually appealing lighting design you should always consider the size of the room, install dimmer switches, and use lighting fixtures as decorative elements. In your selection of lighting products, you can opt for chandeliers, pendants, table lamps and other fixtures that suit your design style and provide the right type of lighting for each space. These products can help you strike the right balance between functionality and aesthetics.

    Create a balanced and visually appealing lighting design
    Embrace energy efficiency

    Embrace energy efficiency


    Incorporating energy-efficient lighting solutions isn't just eco-friendly, it's a practical way to reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on energy bills. Opt for LED bulbs, prized for their efficiency and long life. To further enhance efficiency, think about installing motion sensors and timers, streamlining your lighting and minimizing energy wastage.

    Embrace energy efficiency

    Maintain your lighting


    It is critical to do preventive maintenance on your lighting system to ensure its safety and functionality. Clean your light fixtures on a regular basis, replace burned-out bulbs as soon as possible, and check for loose wiring or defective switches. These steps will assist in keeping your lighting in good working order.

    Maintain your lighting



    Home Lighting is both an art and science that has a big impact on comfort and appearance of the living areas. You can create a well illuminated and inviting house that meets your needs and style by knowing the many types of lighting, selecting the proper bulbs, and implementing thoughtful design.


    Don't be afraid to experiment in order to find the ideal lighting solution for each space in your home.

    Lighting Plan Guide

    Two people sitting at a table under task lighting
    The demands of your room lighting differ according to the size of your room - bright furnished rooms need less light than darker rooms. Indirect lighting creates a cosy atmosphere. Learn how to get the most out of your lighting with this step-by-step guide.