Philips lighting partners Haldia Development Authority by lighting up areas within the city with Philips LED streetlights resulting in high energy savings.
Haldia Developmt Authority,
Haldia, India

We have done LED lighting important areas focusing on junctions where there is lot of public movement. We are very happy with the lighting. Quality and service levels of Philips is very good and we will continue to work with Philips in future projects.

Customer challenge
Haldia is an upcoming industrial town in West Bengal and Haldia Development Authority was looking for a lighting partner who could provide efficient lighting for lighting up various areas within the city.
The right lighting
Philips lighting partnered with Haldia Development Authority by providing energy saving LED lights for lighting up various areas within the city. With better light output leading to better safety and significantly reduced energy consumption, the new lighting has brightened up areas within Haldia.

Get more than 50% energy savings, long life and better light output with ConTempo, our latest LED floodlighting range
Efficient lighting for progress